xiewtang anthology

Thursday, April 27, 2006

I understand.

I miss him terribly when I was reading the lyric. I'm lucky to have someone who loves me so dearly. My biggest regret is I was not there when he left and that I never told him how much I love him.

*Miniature of Mr. Rain. Done by Xiewtang 2006.

Listen to the song.
Al Myon Seo {the song} {the lyrics}
Igsugchi Anhaso {the song} {the lyrics}

I hope it will be as meaningful as it is to me.

In year 2003, I wrote:
Love ones left behind memories, be it happy or sad, points in time which time itself cannot erase, they remain as hard as gems. Time passes slowly while you're searching for those memories. He used to hold my hand and take me for a walk. It might never happen again for noone will love me as much as he did.

He did absolutely everything, so that I'll be happy.

"I'm sorry to let you down, I'll never give up again. Are you living a joyous life yourself? I hope you are. I'm sure you're hoping the same for me. You might not hear this but I want you to know that I love you, and because of this, you will not have to worry bout me..."

Monday, April 10, 2006

Love is...

Perhaps love is choices...
We choose to believe in the person we love.
We choose to see the better side of everything.
We choose only to share the best, and forget the rest.
We choose because of love.
When we stop choosing, we'll uncover more of the truth...
When love is less about the truth but what we want to believe, love is denial...